Cross-sell & up-sell
Convert prospects into buyers
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Cross-sell & up-sell

Icecat Cross-Sell and Up-Sell is a service that allows manufacturers to increase their online visibility and sales by cross-selling and up-selling their products along side popular products. Your supplies, accessories and main products can be listed as a general option, recommended option, compatible option or as an alternative. All of your channel partners, like merchants, retailers and portals, can automatically import all such cross-sell, up-sell or right-sell relationships into their webshop or ERP system at no cost. The Cross- and Up-Sell service is pre-integrated into the Open Icecat database.

Cross-sell: the practice of suggesting related products or services to a customer who is considering buying something (e.g., offering a notebook case when a notebook is put in the shopping cart).

Up-sell: suggesting more expensive items from the same category to a customer making a purchase.

Right-sell: up-selling or down-selling to the item in the same category that best meets the buyer's needs.

Unique free channel service

Icecat is the only worldwide content provider that offers cross-sell & up-sell relationships free of charge to all of your channel partners (merchants, retailers and web portals), as these product relationships are fully integrated into the free Open Icecat database. All of the currently connected tens of thousands of channel partners using Icecat can automatically import all of the cross-sell & up-sell items.

Channel partners auto-import Cross-sell & Up-sell

Your channel partners do not have the time, budget or knowledge to create all the cross-sell & up-sell relationships themselves. They want one easy to integrate source where all cross-sell and up-sell content is included in the feed. Via the Icecat cross- & up-sell service, end-users receive optimal right-sell advise.
  • Check for compatibility
    Cross-sell & Up-sell relations will be added only for compatible products
  • Just In Time (JIT) updates
    Open Icecat product content is easy to integrate as LIVE inserts, XML, JSON or CSV data, and via a host of standard platform interfaces.
  • Included in Open Icecat feeds
    Cross-sell & up-sell relations are included in the Open Icecat feeds for all you channel partners
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