COMPLETE coverage for your product portfolio

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Full Icecat

Complete Content Coverage for your portfolio

Full Icecat contains the product specs and additional information of more than 36140 brands in one single standardized format, which facilitates easy categorizing, filtering, searching and comparing of the products. The non-standardized product information is converted into consistent content for digital catalogs and delivered through structured repositories.

Full Icecat guarantees high coverage on distributor portfolios and fast delivery of accurate, complete, rich content in various categories. Full Icecat coverage is the highest in the market for technology products and supports more languages than any other source. Full Icecat lowers the costs of content information, optimizes the quality of product content and increases the conversion rates and the quality of the shopping experience of end-users.

Full Icecat offers a very flexible data creation process and the possibility of further expansion to different product groups with high quality standards, high level of localization and consistency.

Rich media of participating Open Icecat brands is also included in Full Icecat, but may be subject to permission. Icecat can be of help with collecting a a brand's rich media assets, as long as applicable licenses are provided by the brand owner.
  • Rich content information

    Professional multilingual content data with fully standardized rich specifications and additional multimedia elements.
  • International Standards

    Supported international standards such as UNSPSC or GTIN (EAN/UPC) make it very easy to integrate international catalogues.
  • Professional Search&Compare&Filter

    The fully standardized features and feature values allow consumers a refined search, accurate filtering and side-by-side comparison of products.
  • Cross-Selling (Options and Alternatives)

    Rich and logical cross sell relations allow consumers to meet their additional needs.
  • Cost-efficient content solution
    Decrease the in-house costs for e-commerce by replacing your expensive in-house or other content provider solutions with Full Icecat.
  • Increased content quality
    Increase your customer satisfaction and boost your sales with higher quality content.
  • Lower returns & improved customer loyalty
    Convert your visitors into buyers with simple and accurate search & compare features and rich basic & multimedia content information.
  • Increase efficiency within the organization
    Use the product information for internal and external communication and channel your sources to other areas to increase capabilities