Icecat: Manufacturers

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Open Icecat – Content Syndication for Brand Owners

As the market leader in outbound content syndication, Icecat produces and distributes accurate and timely product information to tens of thousands of channel partners worldwide. In behalf of global brands. We do this via our unique open content distribution model (Open Icecat), which delivers Product Information Management (PIM/PDM/MDM) As A Service to brand owners that want to increase their product's visibility and success in the fast-growing ecommerce market. In case that control of digital assets is required for a Brand's Authorized Resellers, Icecat has developed a Digital Rights Management module as part of Open Icecat.

Open Icecat

As the market leader in outbound content syndication, Icecat produces and distributes accurate and timely product information to tens of thousands of channel partners worldwide. In behalf of global brands. We do this via our unique open content distribution model (Open Icecat), which delivers Product Information Management (PIM/PDM/MDM) As A Service to brand owners that want to increase their product's visibility and success in the fast-growing ecommerce market. In case that control of digital assets is required for a Brand's Authorized Resellers, Icecat has developed a Digital Rights Management module as part of Open Icecat.

What rich content is included in an Open Icecat data-sheet?

  • Brand name
  • Brand Product Code
  • Categorization (UNSPSC based)
  • Product images (unlimited)
  • Multimedia content (demos, product videos, 3D)
  • Multilingual marketing text
  • Digital Product Passport (sustainability data)
  • Product Stories (brand mini sites)
  • Standardized specifications for search & compare
  • Leaflets (PDF)
  • User manuals (PDF)
  • Product variants
  • Options: cross-sell relationships
  • Alternatives: up-sell and right-sell relationships
  • General Data: release date, modification data
  • Logistic data: GTIN (EAN/UPC) code, weight & dimensions, supplier purchase prices, stock & order codes

Unique: free manufacturer approved data-sheets

Open Icecat is the only worldwide content provider that offers manufacturer approved standardized product content for free (including rich media).

Channel partners choose free Open Icecat

Most channel partners are not able to import or enter product data for all brands they carry individually. Furthermore, most channel partners expect their supplying brands to provide product data for free, as previously they have received printed flyers free of charge. Open Icecat is able to meet the channel partner's expectations: Open Icecat offers free and standardized product content via one source in one format.

Is Open Icecat right for your brand?

  1. Do you want to distribute accurate and timely product information to all your (authorized) channel partners worldwide including Amazon?
  2. Are you are looking to create more brand awareness in the global channel or introduce a new brand?
  3. Are you looking for new channel partners (e.g., distributors or retailers)?
  4. Are you dissatisfied with the current presentation of your products by your channel partners?
  5. Does it takes days/weeks before your channel partners display content of newly announced products?
  6. Is supporting your channel partners time-consuming and frustrating and are you looking for ways to streamline the channel support processes?
  7. Do you need integrations with your PIM system or do you need a central PIM to integrate all your internal sources?
  8. Do you need help with hyper-efficient (AI-supported) content generation or translations of your marketing communications?
  9. Do you need real-time insights (digital shelf management) in the performance of your products in the channel?

  • Free of charge product content:
    All your channel partners can get the Open Icecat content for free, worldwide.
  • Easy to access for your channel partners:
    Open Icecat product content is easy to integrate as LIVE inserts, XML, JSON or CSV data, and via a host of standard platform interfaces.
  • Authorized Partner Management:
    Conforming to your syndication policy retailers, international distributors and platform (solution providers) use or syndicate Open Icecat content towards their connected channel partners
  • Access to Brand Cloud:
    Via Vendor Central a brand's product manager can enter, update and check product data-sheets, and manage channel partner authorizations.
  • Uniform product content at the websites of all your channel partners
  • Increase the online visibility of your brand
  • Automated distribution of your data towards the complete channel
  • Increase channel sales
  • Compelling product stories for end-users
  • Easy to use data
  • Decrease transaction costs throughout the channel